Practice Areas

Car Accidents and Motorcycle Accidents.


Compensation for Those Injured in Car and Motorcycle Accidents

Florida has some of the busiest and most dangerous roadways in the nation. Whether you are a driver or passenger in an automobile or on a motorcycle, you risk the possibility of injury or death anytime you get on the highway. At Lyons Legal, LLC, we believe that negligent drivers should be held accountable for injuries, property damage, and wrongful death. Compensation assists those injured in accidents and their families in their recovery. Holding negligent and reckless drivers accountable makes roadways safer for everyone.
A car accident can truly be a life altering event that Lyons Legal is prepared to help you handle. Instantly, and due to no fault of your own, one can have serious injuries, a damaged vehicle and overall anxiety about what to do next. There are several important steps that must be taken immediately after an accident in order to properly preserve your legal rights under Florida Law.

Common Causes of Accidents are:

Distracted driving

Driving under the influence


Unsafe lane changes

Unmaintained roads such as potholes

Road hazards such as debris and construction areas

Texting while driving

Mechanical failures

Poor weather conditions




Who is Liable for Injuries, Damages, and Wrongful Death?

When an accident occurs due to a driving error, the at-fault driver or drivers may be held accountable. Other parties that may have liability are a vehicle owner, a manufacturer for a defect, or a government agency or municipality if the roadways are not maintained or have poor signage. An employer might have vicarious liability if a driver is on the job during an accident. Even a passenger may be culpable if reckless actions result in a wreck.

Comparative Fault

Comparative fault in Florida is a guideline used to determine liability in an accident. Florida is a comparative fault state, which means that each party involved in an accident is liable for the portion of the damages they are found to be at fault. For example, if you are involved in an accident and deemed to be 20% at fault, you will only be liable for 20% of the damages.

Common Types of Car and Motorcycle Accidents are:

Rear-end collisions

Head-on wrecks

Side-impact collisions

Rollover accidents

Sideswipe crashes

Single or multi-car collisions

The most common injuries in car and motorcycle accidents include broken bones, whiplash, head, neck, and back injuries, lacerations, burns, disfigurement, amputations, internal injuries, and wrongful death.

Differences between Car and Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcyclists involved in collisions have a higher risk of severe injuries and death, as they are less protected. Due to the size disparity of a motorcycle compared to an automobile or other vehicle, they are less visible to drivers. In addition, a motorcycle is less stable than a four-wheeled vehicle.
Florida’s insurance laws are applied to motorcycles differently than to automobiles. Florida requires automobile drivers to carry a minimum of $10,000 Personal Injury Protection (PIP) to cover medical expenses and lost wages, regardless of who is at fault. In addition, operators must carry insurance coverage at a minimum of $10,000 for Property Damage Liability. (PDL).
Although recommended, motorcyclists in Florida are not required to carry PIP or PDL insurance. If you are in a motorcycle versus car accident, contacting an attorney with experience in these accidents is in your best interest.

Lyons Legal, LLC, Protects the Rights of Injured Drivers

Attorney Jarian Lyons has a wealth of experience representing injured drivers of car and motorcycle accidents and knows what it takes to win cases. He has recovered millions of dollars in insurance settlements and court-ordered awards for injured drivers that have suffered debilitating injuries or wrongful death due to the negligence of others.
Let our legal team evaluate your losses, such as medical bills, property damage, pain and suffering, lost wages, and more. For surviving families that have lost loved ones in automobile or motorcycle collisions, there are additional damages they may collect. While a settlement or award will never replace a family member, it will help offset the financial hardship you are experiencing.
An automobile or motorcycle accident is a life-altering event. Lyons Legal, LLC, is prepared to help you handle your challenges. We will preserve your legal rights under Florida law. Call Lyons Legal, LLC, at (407) 720-7990 in our Orlando, Florida office.

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