Practice Areas

Defective Consumer Products


Florida Defective Consumer Products Attorney

When we purchase a product, we trust that it meets certain safety standards. As consumers, we expect that the products we buy will not cause harm. Sadly, this is not always true. Many defective consumer products cause serious injuries, ailments, or even death. Defective products include household items and appliances, foods, prescription medications, over-the-counter drugs, children’s toys, furniture, construction equipment, motor vehicles, and more. Product liability is the legal area that deals with disputes arising from the sale or use of defective products.
The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) regulates product safety and is responsible for investigating complaints about defective consumer products. The law requires manufacturers to follow safety regulations and to warn consumers about any potential risks associated with a product’s use. A corporation can be liable for injuries or wrongful death when it fails to follow regulations.

Steps to Take to Pursue a Claim:

Seek immediate medical attention to diagnose and treat your injuries or illness

Take photographs of damages and injuries

Preserve the evidence

Do not tamper with the product or try to repair it

Contact Lyons Legal, LLC, for quality legal counsel


Call an Experienced Florida Personal Injury Attorney

Attorney Jarian Lyons has been representing personal injury clients for nearly two decades and understands the physical, emotional, and financial hardships that clients and their families endure. He meticulously prepares each case with relevant facts and knowledge of applicable laws. His approach to practicing law has led to substantial settlements and awards on behalf of his clients. He believes it is a privilege to provide client-centered legal services and takes great pride in helping the injured and surviving family members harmed by the negligent acts of others.

Representative Cases

One of Attorney Lyon’s most notable cases was his investigation into an eight-month-old infant’s crib death. Through his perseverance, he assisted the Consumer Products Safety Commission recall over 985,000 drop-side baby cribs. Attorney Lyons has worked extensively for plaintiffs in pharmaceutical drug litigation against multinational corporations involving harmful prescription drugs such as Avandia, Baycol, Bextra, Celebrex, Fosamax, Heparin, Vioxx, and Zyprexa.

Who are the Defendants in a Claim?

Common types of product liability cases are design defects, manufacturing defects, failure to warn, and marketing misrepresentation. Responsible parties in a claim may be the manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors, or retailers, depending on the facts of the case. For example, there may be a design defect in a product causing harm to consumers. Or there may have been negligence in the manufacturing process. The distributor, wholesaler, or retailer may have made mistakes when they handled the product, causing harm to consumers. In many cases, there may be more than one defendant, and each is jointly and severally liable for a damage award.

Let Us Help You Seek Justice

A defective product can cause severe injuries, illnesses, or even death. If you have been harmed or lost a loved one due to another’s negligence, you may file a claim for compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more. At Lyons Legal, LLC, we are fierce advocates that will stand up against a defendant trying to disprove your claim. Our legal team will work hard to prove all the case elements to achieve a successful outcome.

Contact Lyons Legal, LLC at (407) 720-7990

We have helped countless clients move forward in their recovery, and we can provide your family with the same quality legal representation. At Lyons Legal, LLC, we can determine if you have a viable case and can help you understand your legal rights and options. Please schedule an appointment in our Orlando, Florida office with an attorney that cares. We are available to our clients 24/7 and are paid only if you receive a settlement or court-ordered award.

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