Practice Areas

House Fires


Compensation for House Fire Injuries and Loss of Life

House fires cause catastrophic injuries and can be deadly. Thousands of people in Florida are seriously injured or killed in house fires annually. Sadly, many of these tragedies are preventable and result from carelessness or defective equipment. In addition to residential homes, fires commonly occur in businesses, hotels, conference centers, schools, sports arenas, restaurants, vacation properties, rental homes, Airbnb rentals, and other venues.

You May Be Entitled to Compensation

If you have suffered injuries or lost a loved one due to a house fire, Lyons Legal, LLC, can help you understand your rights and options. Our legal team has the depth of knowledge and experience to pursue the compensation you need and deserve. Attorney Jarian Lyons has helped countless victims of house fires, holding the responsible party or parties accountable for their negligent or malicious actions. Let us help you get your life back on track.

Representative Case

Under premises liability, a property owner is responsible for upholding a duty of care for their tenants or guests. In a recent case, Attorney Lyons represented a tenant who sustained significant injuries from a fire in a rental home. After a thorough investigation, it was discovered that the property owner had neglected to install and maintain adequate and functional smoke detectors in the home. The outstanding legal work of Attorney Lyons resulted in a substantial award on behalf of the client.

Liable Parties

Often, the person or entity responsible for a fire may not be apparent until there is a meticulous investigation. Defendants in a house fire may be property owners, tenants, real estate management companies, building contractors, or manufacturing companies of defective products.
To prove negligence, an attorney must present evidence that the responsible party knew or should have known about a hazardous condition and failed to act. Witnesses, photographs, medical records, and video footage can help build a case. Other types of evidence include the official fire investigation report from the fire department and any reports from insurance companies. An attorney must also prove that the victim suffered damages from the fire. Damages may include medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, or losses associated with wrongful death.

Common Causes of House Fires include:


Space heaters

Faulty electrical wiring

Overloaded or faulty outlets and extension cords

Improper storage of flammable liquids such as gasoline

Grills and other outdoor cooking equipment


Careless smoking

Ignition of flammable furniture or clothin

HVAC and water heater failures

Faulty cell phone chargers

Types of Injuries

Burn injury victims face an uncertain future. It is an exhaustive and painful road to physical, emotional, and mental recovery. Injuries from house fires include smoke inhalation, burns, and emotional trauma. Scarring and disfigurement are lifetime reminders of the accident that caused them. The high price of burn treatments includes skin grafts, physical therapy, and psychological counseling.
In addition, financial instability is often devastating to a victim and their family. The aftermath of a fire can affects a victim’s ability to maintain their livelihood. Victims need assistance with medical bills for hospitalization and rehabilitation facilities, funds for treatment, living expenses, lost wages, and in some cases, home health care when discharged from a facility.

Attorney Jarian Lyons Can Help Get the Compensation You Deserve

An insurance company, property owner, contractor, or product manufacturer may deny victims and families the compensation they deserve for injuries or loss of life after a house fire. Our goal is to pursue justice for those wronged by the negligent or malicious acts of others.
The elements of a personal injury case are often complex and time sensitive. Let Lyons Law, LLC, determine whether you have a viable case and create a strategy tailored for your specific circumstances. Our legal team diligently pursues personal injury claims against the responsible parties. If a fair settlement is not offered, we are always prepared to present a case to a judge and jury to achieve a favorable verdict at trial.

Contact Lyons Legal, LLC, at our Orlando, Florida office at (407) 720-7990.

Schedule a free consultation with a lawyer that cares and has your best interest in mind. There will be no fee for our services until you receive your settlement or award. Count on Lyons Law, LLC, to be there for you when you need us most.

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